Personal Finances and American Politics
Our unit on personal finances is quite fitting this week as personal finances is a topic that is in the news on a daily basis, especially with the election tomorrow.
Here are a few fun financial tools for you to explore:
How Healthy are Your Finances?
When Will You be a Millionaire?
Net Worth: How do You Stack Up?
Last day to track the issues and the polls. (Simply a few suggestions, by all means not inclusive of all options!)
CNN Election Center
MSNBC Election Center
Fox News Election Center
NY Times Election Center
BBC US Election Center
Comedy Central Election Center
What Kind of Learner are You?
I am going to have us take one of these surveys as a class on Wednesday. This will help you to know how you study best!
Gerunds and Infinitives
Gerunds and Infinitives Tutorial
Gerunds and Infinitives: Their Noun Roles
Homework for Monday, November 1, 2010
- Journal Topic: Money! (150 words)
- Your Journal is due on Friday, November 5, 2010
- Study Unit 7 and Unit 8
- Make flashcards for the gerunds and infinitive list I gave you in class.
- Practice writing a sentence for each gerund and infinitive from the list.
- Optional: Wuthering Heights second draft of the essay
- Extra Credit: Unit 7 Quiz
~Happy Studying!~