The Triton Student Handbook
Must Read!
This detailed account of Triton’s policies covers the better-known – and little-known – facts about
the college. The policies are arranged in alphabetical order for easy use.
Academic Honesty Policy
Triton College closely adheres to principles of academic honesty and integrity. The academic honesty
policy is designed to inform students and faculty of the expectations and procedures associated with the
honest pursuit of a Triton College education. Overall, academic achievement is a product of personal
commitment, and investigation of knowledge, and a pursuit of independent and honest work, both in
and out of the classroom. All forms of cheating deprive the student of achieving true academic success
and are therefore considered a serious violation. Furthermore, all incidents of cheating will result in a
disciplinary response from college officials.
Below is a non-inclusive list of behaviors that are considered to be violations of academic honesty.
Examples of Academic Dishonesty
• Copying someone else’s work or answers.
• Allowing another student to copy your work or answers for internal or external class assignments.
• Using materials or information hidden on one’s person.
• Obtaining and using tests and answers in an unauthorized fashion.
• Providing course materials such as papers, lab data, reports, answers to be used by another student.
• Fabricating information for the purpose of completing an assignment, quiz, exam or presentation.
• Taking an exam in place of another student or having someone take an exam in your place.
• Turning in the same paper to two different classes without receiving permission from both instructors.
• Copying a computer program for unauthorized use.
• Breaking into or utilizing college owned computer files in an unauthorized manner.
• Altering a grade sheet or forging a signature on an academic document.
• Enrolling in a telecourse while serving as an employee in the Media Center or within six months
of termination.
Another example of academic dishonesty, know as plagiarism, is less simple to define but is nonethe-
less considered a serious violation. When using direct quotes or ideas created by someone other than
yourself, it is imperative that the source of information be clearly identified. It is appropriate and
acceptable to borrow ideas, thoughts and data from other sources as long as the original authors
receive credit for their contributions through referencing.
Examples of Plagiarism
• Borrowing or paraphrasing (other than common knowledge) for a paper without referencing the source.
• Intentionally or knowingly representing the words or ideas of another as your own.
• Purchasing a term paper or having someone write a paper to submit as your own work.
Reporting Acts of Academic Dishonesty
All members of the Triton College community including faculty, staff and fellow students share responsi-
bility for maintaining an academically honest learning environment. Therefore, all members of the Triton
College community are eligible to report apparent acts of academic dishonesty to the dean. Below is an out-
line of the procedures associated with reporting apparent acts of academic dishonesty.
Consequences of Academic Dishonesty
Below is a non-inclusive summary of consequences that may result from student violation of the academic
honesty policy.
• A failing grade for the assignment in question.
• A failing grade for the course.
• Placement on academic probation
• A notation on the academic transcript stating, “Student violated academic honesty policy” for a specific
• An immediate suspension from the class for one or more class sessions.
• Administrative withdrawal from the course in question.
• Administrative withdrawal from the student’s major or related majors as determined by the dean.
• Suspension or academic dismissal from Triton College.
The decision of the academic dean or the dean of Student Services is final. Thereafter, any student griev-
ances must be submitted in writing within thirty calendar days of the disciplinary hearing to the Student
Life Committee, Student Center, Room B-100, 2000 Fifth Ave., River Grove, IL 60171. The request for a grievance hearing must include a brief summary of the alleged incident in addition to reasoning as to why the disciplinary process did not adequately serve the rights of the student who was deemed to be in violation of the academic honesty policy.