Dear Class:
It has been brought to my attention the following course changes per the ESL department's instructions. I apologize that this news is late in coming to you, but I only just learned of them myself. I thank you for your patience with all of the end of the course changes.
Friday, December 3, 2010
The Placement Test will now take place in the ETRC A-100 at 9:00am. The ESL department would like you to be at the center at 8:45am! Please make arrangements accordingly so that you arrive on time.
Monday, December 6, 2010
We will meet as normal in our classroom and do a massive review for the final exam. (Remember, your Transitions Lecture paper is due!)
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Final Exam! The department needs your scores so that I can set up the spring schedule for you so we need to move the exam up. Again, I apologize if this causes you any stress. Simply relax, you have been working hard all semester and you are ready!
Friday, December 10, 2010
I will review your final exam grade, your final grade, and sign you up for your spring course.
Monday, December 13, 2010
The last class and the party as you requested. We decide whose bringing what next week.
I will try to e-mail you all these instructions, but if you read this, help me spread the word and share it with your study buddy and any other classmates you encounter before Friday!
J :)