Monday, October 25, 2010

ESL L5: Public Speaking Tips

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tips for Giving a Speech
Tips and Suggestions on Public Speaking
10 Tips for Public Speaking

Past Perfect

Remember, the trick with the past perfect is that there must be TWO verbs in the past in the sentence. The action that happens first is in the past perfect. The interrupting or latter action is in the simple past.

Until I moved to Montana, I hadn't seen a bear in the wild.

Grammar study sheet on the Past Perfect
Past Perfect quiz with answers
Tale of famous musician Arlo Guthrie's story using the past perfect

Homework for Monday, October 24, 2010
  1. Final preparations for Wuthering Heights speech. Remember, all of your notes should fit on a 3x5 index card. If you do not have an index card, use a ruler and measure out a piece of paper that is 3x5. DO NOT write your speech word for word on the card! Speeches written out will receive a 0 (F).
  2. Start next entries for your Vocabulary Notebook
  3. Journal: Topic of your choice (150 words)
~Happy Studying!~

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