Thursday, April 14, 2011

Homework for April 16, 2011

What I missed in class? 
We completed: Textbook: Unit 9: Lesson A: 3: Language Focus and 4: Speaking and  Workbook: Unit 9: Family Matters pp. 50 1: Vocabulary & Expressions A & B

What is for homework? 
Workbook: Unit 9: Family Matters pp. 50 - 51 1: Vocabulary & Expressions: C; 2: Grammar: A, B, C; Family Matters: Lesson B: 1: Reading: A, B, C, & D

Waiting for Superman movie event. If you attend, and write a five-paragraph paper about your experience (NOT just about the movie!) you will receive 25 pts extra credit!

ESL Club: Next Meeting: 4/13, noon, A-106 C

ESL Club Field Trip: Polish Parade on 5/7. e-mail for details. If you attend this field trip and write a five-paragraph essay about your experience, you will receive 25 points extra credit!

4/15 or 4/18: CASAS Post-Test (mandatory participation is required!)

4/20: Placement Test: 8:45 - noon in B-111. Please arrive on time so that you can be registered properly!

4/22: Spring Holiday - No Class!

5/9?: Final Exam for L5

5/11: Final class

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