Saturday, August 28, 2010

Verbs! Verbs! Verbs!

Friday, August 28, 2010

Lights! Camera! ACTION!

Verbs are all about action. Without action we would not have sentences. It is absolutely essential to become comfortable with the English irregular verb tenses and past participles. Because English has so many perfect tenses (the present perfect, the present perfect progressive/continuous, the past perfect, the past perfect progressive/continuous, the future continuous, and the future perfect progressive/continuous) it is not only important to know how to form these tenses, but it is also absolutely essential to be able to recite the past participle from memory. One needs to be able to recall a past participle as second nature, without having to think about it. True, the past participles for lay, lie, and hang even trip up (definition: confuse) native English speakers, but it is a reason why you as an EFL (English as a Foreign Language) student must work so hard at memorizing this grammar aspect.

Therefore, the rest of this post will be dedicated to online worksheets and quizzes so that you can practice all of your tenses and past participles.

Simple Present
Simple Present quiz with answers

Present Progressive/Continuous
Present Progressive/Continuous quiz with answers

Simple Past
Simple Past quiz with answers

Past Progressive/Continuous
Past Progressive/Continuous quiz with answers

Simple Future
Simple Future (will) quiz with answers
Simple Future (going to) quiz with answers

Present Perfect 
Present Perfect quiz with answers

Past Participles
Test your knowledge of Past Participles with this series of flashcards.
Past Participle Flashcards 1
Past Participle Flashcards 2
Past Participle Flashcards 3
Past Participle Flashcards 4
Past Participle Flashcards 5

Tenses Mix
Simple Present, Present Progressive, Present Perfect, Simple Past Quiz with answers. Learn about the historic London Dungeon while you complete this quiz.

Active vs. Passive Voice
Active vs. Passive Voice quiz with answers. Learn about England's historic Hadrian's Wall while you complete this quiz.

This should get you started. Of course, there will be much more posted on the topic of English verbs in the days and weeks to come.

Today's Holidays of the World

Guinea: Anniversary of the Women's Revolt
Moldova: Independence Day
United States of America: Texas: Petroleum Day

Homework for Friday, August 27, 2010
  1. Vocabulary Notebook - Finish your first ten (10) entries. Bring the notebook to class on Monday.
  2. Journal - Writing Skills Worksheet Practice III. Minimum: Brainstorm and Outline one (1) topic. You may do three (3) if you have time. DO NOT write an essay.
  3. Study Irregular Verb Past tense and Past Participles.
  4. Complete Verb Review worksheets.
  5. Complete Dictionary Skills worksheets.
Happy Studying!

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