Monday, August 23, 2010

Welcome ESL Level 5 Students!

August 23, 2010

It seems almost unbelievable that the summer is over and the fall semester has started. I hope you all had really wonderful summers. I tried to spend as much time outside as the weather was so warm. Some days I would sit at Starbucks and read all afternoon, while other days I would go walk the city for hours and hours. I practiced my French (of course!) and I spent a few days on holiday in Madison, Wisconsin.

What did you do during your summer holiday? If you would like, you can post your comments and share.

Homework for August 23, 2010
  1. Write in your Journal. Topic: My Summer (minimum 150 words)
  2. Start your Vocabulary Notebook. Remember, you should write a minimum of 10 vocabulary words a week. You Vocabulary Notebook is due each Monday at the start of class. 
  3. Complete the Questionnaire

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