Friday, January 28, 2011

Be a Book Worm!

Friday, January 28, 2011

Hello Class! You did absolutely wonderful this work this week. You should be very proud of yourselves. (I am!)

Class Announcement
On Mondays and Wednesdays we will meet in T 150
On Fridays we will meet in M-132

Oxford Bookworms and Penguin Books
If you are interested in purchasing the books that I brought to class to show you today, here is the link of a blog post I wrote last semester that discusses all the books for your ability.

I went and put Great Expectations, Wuthering Heights, The Woman in White, and Pride and Prejudice on reserve in the Triton College library. Remember, if you read one of these books, come see me. If you take a small test and receive a 70% or better, I will give you 25 points extra credit.

While I was in the library, I discovered that the Penguin series of Level 4 and Level 5 readers are available for check out with your student ID. The library has a nice section of ESL materials that are just sitting on the shelves. Do yourself a favor and stop by the library after class and check out a book.

Free Keyboarding Class Taught by Yours Truly :D
The GED/ESL departments are offering a free keyboarding class for all of you starting on February 7. If you do not know how to type, this is your big opportunity. Remember, the Placement Test you will take at the end of the semester is via the computer. Again, this class is free! I hope to see you all there. To sign up, stop by the ESL department.

Homework for Friday, January 28, 2011
1. Writing Journal: Topic: Re-tell a folk tale or a fairy tale (150 words); Due: February 11
2. Study for Unit 1 Test
3. Read the first two pages of the Writing handouts. Do Activity 1.
4. If you own the textbook/workbook, bring them to class on Monday.
Do to Turn In: 
5. Finish new draft of My Winter Break essay
6. Workbook: Unit 1: Lesson B

Optional Homework:
1. Finish the Basho reading handouts. If you want me to correct them, turn them in on Monday
2. Part Two of the Grammar Worksheets (the simple past)

Questions? Comments? Concerns? Send me an e-mail this weekend!

~Happy Weekend and Happy Studying!~

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