Friday, September 3, 2010

Enjoy the Long Weekend

Friday, September 3, 2010

Happy Labor Day weekend everyone! Have a safe, relaxing weekend filed with happy moments practicing your English.

Simple Past vs. Present Perfect
New! Tricky Grammar Outwitted

Simple Present
Lay = transitive verb 
Meaning: To put horizontally
ex: I lay the newspaper on the table. Note: The chicken lays an egg.

lie = intransitive verb
Meaning: Oneself is reclining horizontally
ex: I lie in bed.

Simple Past
lay becomes laid
ex: I laid the newspaper on the table. The chicken laid an egg.

Warning! lie becomes lay(!!!) 
ex: I lay in bed for hours and hours last weekend.

Present Perfect
lay becomes laid
I have laid the newspaper on this table every morning since I purchased it at an antique market. This chicken has laid many eggs.

lie becomes lain
The former President has lain in state for the last three days.

Don't be frightened! Just outwit the grammar! :D

Homework for Friday, September 3, 2010
  1. Journal. Re-do ex. B on the Lesson A worksheet. Use the words given and rewrite the paragraph telling a brand new story.
  2. Complete the next 10 vocabulary terms in your Vocabulary Notebook. Bring to class on Wednesday, September 8, 2010.
  3. Review Unit 1: Lesson A. Study the vocabulary terms and grammar points.
  4. Review notes on the Simple Past vs. the Present Perfect
  5. Re-read the Monkey's Paw p. 9.

Happy Studying!

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