Thursday, September 9, 2010

Study! Study! Study!

Testing One, Two, Three...

I hope you all felt very comfortable taking your reading diagnostic test. Testing is a very important part of the American education system. Many companies use similar tests for employment too. Remember when taking tests to follow these helpful hints for a good test taking experience.
  1. Get plenty of rest the night before any test. Partying the night away in a nightclub is not recommended the night before any test.
  2. Eat a well balanced meal the day before a test and the morning of a test. It will give your brain the necessary energy to help you think clearly.
  3. Drink plenty of water. A hydrated brain is a happy brain.
  4. Get exercise. Taking breaks while studying is important. As a matter of fact, when you exercise during a break, it gives your brain time to 'digest' all of the information you have crammed into it when studying. Your brain is actually studying the material even while you take your breaks!
Homework for Friday, September 9, 2010
  1. Study for your Unit 1 quiz. Make sure to review vocabulary words, simple past vs. present perfect, writing paragraphs, writing using time expressions and The Monkey's Paw.
  2. Writing Paragraphs handouts. Read the first two pages. Complete Practice I.
  3. Do p. 10 A, B, C, & D. You do not have to turn your work into me. It is for practice only.
  4. Review the first 20 irregular verb conjugations from your handouts. 
Happy Studying!

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