Monday, September 13, 2010

Happy Chocolate Monday

Monday, September 13, 2010

We all survived Monday, yea! :D My next poll on this blog will be a survey on who is a morning person and who is a night owl.  I am definitely a night owl myself. I think technology has made me more of a night owl too. Many nights I will decide to 'see what is happening in the world' (Jennifer English for: to surf the 'net) and find that it is well after midnight when I finally look at the time! Does this happen to you too?

Passive Voice

The passive voice can be a bit tricky. Remember, it is formed with:

'to be' in the correct tense + the past participle

It is used when we want to emphasize the object of an active voice sentence. 

For example, I could write: 

The tsunami killed 10,000 people.  (active voice)

However, I do not want to emphasize the wave; I want to emphasize all of the poor people who lost their lives when the wave hit them. Thus, I would write: 

10,000 people were killed by the tsunami. (passive voice)

Here is some online practice to help you with the Passive Voice:

Today's Holidays of the World
Argentina: Librarian's Day
International: International Chocolate Day (YUM!)

Homework for Monday, September 13, 2010
  1. Journal: The Disadvantages of Technology in the Modern World (150 words)
  2. Unit 2: Lesson A Online Worksheet. Only spend about 20 minutes on this assignment!
  3. Present Perfect Continuous: Read grammar rule handout
  4. Present Perfect Continuous: Do worksheet p. 2
  5. Passive Voice: Do worksheets #1 & #2
  6. Wuthering Heights: Read Chapter 2
Future Homework Due Dates
  1. Start working on the Technology Essay. First, do your brainstorming. Due Wednesday, September 22, 2010
  2. Start working on your Vocabulary Notebook, next ten (10) entries. Due Monday, September 20, 2010
  3. All Journal entries due Friday, September 24, 2010
~Happy Studying!~

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